
Class Inquiry - Our Plastic Problem!

What is the problem?

Multiple packs of chippies use so much more plastic.  They are convenient, but bad for our environment. What could we do instead?

This is a photo of the area of plastic used for a single 150g packet of Copper Kettle chips and, beside it, the area of the combined plastic used for a 132g 6 Single Serve Packs' of Kettle Chips.

We decided that our inquiry would be to design or come up with ideas
of ways to use less plastic chippie packets (focusing on the multipacks of chips.)

Here are some of the ideas below...

Noah's Powtoon

Taj's Powtoon

Frankee's Powtoon

Benjamin's Powtoon

Kupa's Powtoon

Terriah's Powtoon

Olive's Powtoon

Nitaleigha's Video Explanation